51 Years OUT!

Kansas Farm Boy Comes Out at KU
Monday, October 18, 3:30 pm; Spencer Research Library, North Gallery
David Stout, founder of the Lawrence Gay Liberation Front in 1970, will read excerpts from his memoirs. He will discuss his experience as a gay man at KU, in Kansas, and beyond in the 1970’s. Sponsored by the KU Libraries. A reception will follow in which guests are invited to view selections from LGBTQ+ materials housed in the Spencer Research Library (including Stout’s memoirs)
View the recorded session for Kansas Farm Boy Comes Out at KU here. (video)
No Place Like Home: Kansas LGBT Community Activism
Tuesday, October 19, 7 pm; Kansas Union, Big 12 Room (5th floor)
C.J. Janovy, author of the 2018 book, No Place Like Home: Lessons in Activism from LGBT Kansas, will share insights she learned while talking with LGBT activists across the state, celebrating their determination as they fought for local and statewide policy and legislative changes. Additional panelists Diane Silver, Lynne Green, and State Representative Stephanie Byers will join her to discuss Lawrence history, particularly the “Simply Equal” Campaign, and current state initiatives.
View the recorded session for No Place Like Home: Kansas LGBT Community Activism here (video)
Lawrence Gay Liberation Front: The Beginnings
Wednesday, October 20, 7 pm; Kansas Union, Big 12 Room (5th floor)
How did the first gay liberation group at KU and in Lawrence get started? Why was this group important to the development of gay rights and a more inclusive campus community? What challenges did they face and victories did they celebrate in their efforts? Join early LGLF group members David Stout, Lee Hubbell, Joe Prados, Reginald Brown, Leonard Grotta, and Ruth Lichtwardt, who will discuss the beginnings of LGLF, what got it started, and its important history. Moderated by former group member, professor, and author Dr. Patrick Dilley.
View the recorded session for Lawrence Gay Liberation Front: The Beginnings here (video)
The Power of Connections: Lesbian Communities in the 70s
Thursday, October 21, 7 pm; Kansas Union, Ballroom (5th floor)
Panel of 1970s vintage lesbians from KU and the Lawrence community--personal friends, girlfriends, feminist troublemakers, war protesters, community problem solvers, book lovers, artists, musicians, softball players, KU grad students, and sisters with a shared vision - who will share stories and experiences about lesbian life and love at KU and in Lawrence. Includes KU alums: Deb Holmes, Martha Boyd, Katherine Harris (KH), Kathryn Clark, and Stephanie K. Blackwood.
View the recorded session for The Power of Connections here (video)
Healthcare and the LGBTQ Community: A Talk by Historian Dr. Katie Batza
Friday, October 22, 2 p.m.; KU Commons
Dr. Batza, Associate Professor, Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies Dept., KU, will incorporate information from her recently-published book (2018), “Before AIDS: Gay Health Politics in the 1970s,” to discuss critical themes and issues arising in the 1970s that played an important role in pushing for LGBTQ+ rights over the last 50 years. Sponsored by the Hall Center for the Humanities. A reception will follow in the Commons.
A Carillon Musical Celebration of “51 Years OUT!”
Friday, October 22, 5:15 pm, Campanile
Performed by:University Carillonist Elizabeth Berghout and KU students
View the recorded session for A Carillon Musical Celebration of "51 Years Out!" here (video)
Liberate LFK: The Past, Present and Future of LGBTQ+ Activism at KU (12/10/21)
Red Hot Research: Queer Visibility
Friday, October 22, 4 pm; KU Commons
Red Hot Research at the KU Commons is intended to bring together scholars from all disciplines, to reveal overlaps and connections across areas of interesting and methodological approaches. The format of these sessions is inspired by Pecha Kucha, which features short, slide-based talks that introduce audiences to a topic. Each installment features researchers, speaking for six minutes each. Audience members are encouraged to connect with the speakers (and each other) during breaks. We hope that through these sessions, the University will have a venue for cross-disciplinary partnering and exploration.
DANCE: STILL Too Hot to Trot!
Friday, October 22, 7:30 pm; Kansas Union, Ballroom (5th floor)
Reminiscent of 1970s LGLF dances that continued for many years - one of the group’s most memorable programs, bringing in up to a thousand folks throughout the state and beyond! All genders, ages, and sexual orientations welcome. Come to have amazing fun and support the tradition of celebrating gay pride! Not to be missed! (donation requested)
“51 Years OUT LOUD” – Telling our Stories
Are you a KU LGBTQ+ student, staff, faculty, or alum with a story to tell? Sign up to participate in this Story Corp-type project! We want to hear about your experience at KU and beyond and how this 1970s activism has influenced you. This project is a partnership with the KU School of Journalism and Mass Media. Interviews will be conducted beginning in September 2021. The completed project will be posted (the spring 2022 semester for Gaypril) on the Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity website. Sign up on the websites below.
Campus Tours
Been away for awhile? Find out what’s new on campus! Sign up for a campus tour on the websites below:
Other Community Events:
Lawrence Women’s Music Collective Reunion
Saturday evening October 23rd at Springhill Suites Hotel. For further info contact Deb Holmes 314-359-0377.
This event is brought to you by campus and community partners:
Sexual & Gender Diversity Center, Hall Center for the Humanities, Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies Department, Watkins Museum of History, the Commons, Emily Taylor Center for& Women & Gender& Equity, KU Alumni Association, KU Libraries, Lawrence Public Library, Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging, Office of Multicultural Affairs, Office of the Vice Provost for Student Affairs, and Student Senate.
Events listed are no cost unless noted