These webpages are outdated and relevant content will be migrated to

Giving Back to SGD

Giving back to SGD can be a mutually beneficial way to learn more about, serve, and contribute to the KU QT community. By giving back with SGD, you can learn more about our services, engage with QT people, and contribute to a community who face various barriers. You giving back also means The Center staff can focus on other things, and we can increase our services to the community. 

Want to help, but don't have time to volunteer? 

Click here to donate to SGD's Endowment Account. 

Trans Closet - volunteering

Help us restock, organize, clean, and sort donations for the Trans Closet.
Trans closet logo

General Support - volunteering

Help staff perform general tasks (e.g., button making, binder making, snack stocking, and more)
Physical space

Trans Closet - wish list

Consider purchasing items from our wish list to support the QT community
make up for trans closet

Tabling Support

Help us table during visibility day events. Join our staff and distribute resources and information at the various pride/visibility days throughout the semester.
Baby Jay tabling for SGD

Lawrence Gay Liberation Front (LGLF) Resource Library

Help us build our library by purchasing QT authors/titles from our wish list.
library sign and books

Safe Zone Facilitation

Faculty and Staff are welcome to join our SGD facilitation team to deliver Safe Zone. If interested, email
Safe Zone logo

Affinity Group Co-Leads

Volunteer to co-lead an affinity group for students. email for more information.
Affinity group logos