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Name, Pronoun, and Gender Marker Changes at KU

Unfortunately, there is not a standard, steam-lined processes for changing one's name, pronouns, and/or gender markers on all systems at once here at KU. This is especially true if there is not a legal name change. Although this is something that is being explored, there will not be a quick fix. We've created some helpful starting points below for the various software systems/platforms, and if someone needs more assistance, please email

Updating Name & Pronouns

At the University of Kansas, we work to make sure that students, faculty, and staff see their lived name and pronouns used and affirmed through KU systems to the extent possible. This includes our IT systems, HR systems, Learning Management Systems (such as Canvas) and on the Campus ID Card. In some instances a legal name will be required for official documents, such as medical records and your official transcript. The staff at the Center for Sexuality & Gender Diversity is actively working to better our systems across campus. If you face challenges at any time in updating your information, please email the Center at and a professional staff member will work with you to correct your information. 

Students should change their information with the Office of the University Registrar first, if possible (this only applies to legal name and gender marker changes). This should change personal information in the Enroll and Pay system and update the records in most university-wide databases. Some of these databases are updated daily and some, monthly. Contact the Office of the University Registrar ( for assistance. 


Biographic & Demographic Records: To change your academic records - whether it's a name, ethnicity, or gender - one must complete a Correction to University Records form ( and turn it into the Office of the University Registrar. Students must provide identification using a state issued identification card, Social Security card, Drivers License, Military ID, Marriage License, Divorce Decree or Passport. International Students must have their passports. Visas are not accepted as identification. More information can be found on the registrars website:

If you are a KU Medical Center student, you should complete the KU Med Center's form through the registrar's office

Students looking for legal advice on changing their names or gender markers, can utilize Legal Services for Students ( on campus. LSS have helped trans and gender nonconforming Jayhawks with preparation, drafting, and review of legal documents. Enrolled students changing their name or gender marker have access to LSS free of charge because of the required campus fees they pay each semester. Please call Legal Services for Students at 785-864-5665 or stop by their office in the Burge Union, Room 2030, to set up an appointment.

Additionally, the KU School of Law Legal Aid Clinic represents eligible individuals in name change cases and can advise and assist with gender marker changes.  Students who would like to see if they qualify for free legal services through the Legal Aid Clinic should call 785-864-5564.  

Updating a name in HRM’s employee systems will require a Social Security card that reflects an updated legal name. This is due to State of Kansas reporting requirements that use Social Security name as primary name for payroll purposes (HRPay system). Unfortunately, HRPay feeds names into other systems, like MyTalent, so the updated Social Security card is necessary for employee information system updates. If/when an updated Social Security card exists, the employee can go to Carruth 103 to begin that information updating process. 

The KU identification card is not a form of legal ID. Students, staff, and faculty are able to get a KU Card using their chosen/lived name (referred to in the policy library as 'preferred name') instead of their legal first name when they receive their initial KU Campus ID Card, or when needing a replacement.

Students: To request a replacement card due to "gender affirmation" reasons (e.g., updating a name or photo that more accurately reflects your identity), simply visit the link (Request a Replacement KU Card), and click on "Request a Replacement Card". This will take you through the Single Sign On system and to a web form where you can provide the updated information. In order to have your replacement card paid for through Student Senate fees, you MUST select "Gender Affirmation" as the Reason for Replacement. *Note*, your legal name will automatically populate on the webform, however, there is a field called "Preferred Name For Card" where you can type in the name you would like included on the replacement card.

Please know that having a legal name change is not required to obtain an updated card or for the fee waiver. If you choose to update your photo, please know that other KU systems will be updated with that as well. Please be prepared to show a legal form of ID at the KU Card Office when you visit to get your new ID. Per the KU Card Office, because the Campus ID Card is connected to many layers of security, legal identification is required. The Card Center understands that the name/photo on the legal identification may not match. 

Staff and Faculty: The process is the same as outlined for students. The funding for the replacement cards are provided by DEIB. If you have questions or concerns, please contact

To enter a Preferred Name, log in to the Enroll and Pay system. Students can change their preferred name under "Campus Personal Information," then "names." (This should automatically be changed if one has already changed the information with the University Registrar.) 

The preferred name you list in Enroll and Pay will transfer to many systems across the university, however it will not reach all systems. For instance, your instructors will see your "preferred name" in Canvas and it will no longer list your "legal name." However, some systems will only list your legal name as it is considered a legal form of identification. If you have questions about which systems will be affected, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Staff and faculty may add or modify a preferred name in the HR/Pay system by emailing The HR/Pay preferred name for non-student employees is used in Outlook, KU People Search and Skype.

Students, staff and faculty can update their email aliases at If you would like to change the display name on your KU email (that auto populates in Outlook) and you have not entered a preferred name, you should contact KU Information Technology Customer Service at or 785-864-8080.

Canvas will display the "preferred name" set in Enroll and Pay. If the student becomes an Employee and has not set their "preferred name" with HR their HR name (legal name) will overwrite the Enroll and Pay name. Canvas and Enroll and Pay sync nightly, so the change may not be immediate.

For more information, visit this website. 

Contact the Center of Sexuality and Gender Diversity directly for any additional help with this process at

An employee can upload their Order of Name Change document into the MAP portal  (link on lower portion of webpage, select correct institution to login via SSO) via ‘Upload a Document,’ which can be found in the lower portion of the post-login ‘Account Overview’ main page. After uploading the document, they employee will need to submit a Communication Form (‘Mid-Year Benefit Change’ tab > ‘Start New Request’ > Select ‘Communication Form’ and agree to ‘User Agreement and Attestation’ > type and submit a quick message requesting an updated insurance card with new legal name, reference having uploaded order of name change). The State Employee Health Plan will then send the updated name info to our vendors (dental, healthcare, vision, etc.) and a new card(s) will be generated/sent to the employee. 

You can request a replacement diploma through Enroll & Pay. When requesting the replacement, there will be an option to update the name printed on the diploma (See page 3 of this instruction PDF). A replacement diploma does cost $20. Uploading the Order of Name Change will not be necessary for this new diploma with an updated name. 

Funding may be available to cover the cost of a replacement diploma. If you would like that support, please contact