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Fri, 06/24/2022

Gender-Affirming Resources at KU (Opens in new window)

With the University of Kansas educating roughly 28,000 students each year, the campus has provided gender-affirming resources to meet the needs of students regardless of race, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation and more. ...

Sat, 06/11/2022

Academics Beyond the Binary at U.S. Universities (Opens in new window)

Thu, 06/09/2022

AAI announces recipients of Arts & Humanities Grant

LAWRENCE — The Achievement & Assessment Institute has announced the recipients of this year’s Arts & Humanities Grant. ...

Fri, 05/06/2022

'Gaypril' closes with second-annual drag showcase (Opens in new window)

Last Saturday marked the end of “Gaypril,” a yearly celebration of the queer community at the University of Kansas. To commemorate the month, the Center for Sexuality and Gender Diversity and Student Union Activities hosted the second annual Kansas Drag Showcase. ...

Mon, 04/18/2022

Copy the Leader: Ash Wilson (Opens in new window)

Jayhawks in leadership positions are everywhere you look, including through the Jayhawk Career Network. KU Alumni, in partnership with SumnerOne, is highlighting Jayhawk leaders who are models for others in their industries with our “Copy the Leader” program. ...

Fri, 04/15/2022

KU Center for Sexuality and Gender Diversity celebrates Gaypril (Opens in new window)

For numerous years, the Center for Sexuality and Gender Diversity at the University of Kansas has hosted a month-long series of events for students on campus to participate in, called “Gaypril.” ...

Fri, 04/01/2022

Gaypril festivities underway at KU

LAWRENCE – Lavender Graduation, a drag performer makeup tutorial and lesbian visibility day are just three of many events on deck for Gaypril, an annual occasion featuring various programs put on by the University of Kansas Center for Sexuality and Gender Diversity. ...

Wed, 03/23/2022

Watkins Museum honors Lawrence LGBTQ community through exhibit (Opens in new window)

From Oct. 30 to March 15, the Watkins Museum paid homage to members of Lawrence’s LGBTQ community with “Not a Straight Path: The Fight for Queer Rights in Lawrence." The display featured photographs, documents and artifacts that showcase the struggle and success of LGBTQ individuals in the city throughout the...

Mon, 02/14/2022

bi+plus podcast: KU Center for Sexuality and Gender Diversity (Opens in new window)

Mick chats with Jesse Gardner of the University of Kansas Center for Sexuality and Gender Diversity. ...

Fri, 02/11/2022

Ash Wilson named director of the Center for Sexuality & Gender Diversity

LAWRENCE — Ash Wilson has led strategic initiatives and been a champion for LGBTQ students since their arrival at the University of Kansas five years ago. Wilson will continue doing that and then some as they step into the role of director of the Center for Sexuality & Gender Diversity...

Wed, 11/17/2021

KU grapples with diverse faculty retention (Opens in new window)

In the past year, the University of Kansas has grappled with the loss of a number of faculty members leaving to join other universities, an exodus some say is the result of KU’s inadequate measures for retaining underrepresented faculty and students. ...

Mon, 11/01/2021

Center for Sexuality and Gender Diversity as a second home for KU's LGBTQIA+ community

The Center for Sexuality and Gender Diversity (SGD) is an organization that advocates for LGBTQIA+ students, faculty and staff within the University of Kansas community, while also providing a safe space for students across campus, said Zach Parker SGD program coordinator. ...

Sun, 04/11/2021

KU Center for Sexuality and Gender Diversity celebrates LGBT students with showing of “Paris is Burning”

To help mitigate the stress students at the University of Kansas are feeling as the semester comes to an end, as well as celebrate queer students in the community, the Center for Sexuality and Gender Diversity has a myriad of events scheduled this month, embracing the month of “Gaypril.”...

Fri, 01/17/2020

Provost office to review relocation plans for Center for Sexuality and Gender Diversity (Opens in new window)

The Memorial Corporation Board voted to move forward with three options for the relocation of the Center for Sexuality and Gender Diversity following the termination of its lease with the Student Involvement and Leadership Center. The center is set to relocate in August 2020. ...

Fri, 01/17/2020

Provost office to review relocation plans for Center for Sexuality and Gender Diversity

Following the end of a three-year contract with the University of Kansas, the Center for Sexuality and Gender Diversity will move to a new location on campus. The staff has submitted three moving options to the provost, who will ultimately decide its new location. ...

Fri, 01/17/2020

Provost office to review relocation plans for Center for Sexuality and Gender Diversity (Opens in new window)

Following the end of a three-year contract with the University of Kansas, the Center for Sexuality and Gender Diversity will move to a new location on campus. The staff has submitted three moving options to the provost, who will ultimately decide its new location. ...

Tue, 11/26/2019

Opposition to Chick-fil-A remains despite chain's dissociation from anti-LGBTQ+ groups

Last week, Chick-fil-A announced it would stop donating to anti-LGBTQ+ organizations. However, some in the KU community have doubts about the company's intentions. ...

Fri, 10/18/2019

Center for Sexuality and Gender Diversity looking for a new location in the Kansas Union (Opens in new window)

The KU Center for Sexuality and Gender Diversity plans to move into a new space on campus by August 2020. The SGD Center is currently housed on the fourth level of the Kansas Union. ...

Sat, 09/14/2019

Lavender Union provides safe space for KU students identifying as LGBTQ+ (Opens in new window)

The Lavender Union is a safe space for KU students, staff and faculty within the LGBTQ+ community to congregate and discuss hardship and relief. Meetings take place weekly on Wednesday from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at various locations on campus. ...

Tue, 02/27/2018

Kansas Republicans' anti-transgender resolution won't stop LGBT advocacy at KU (Opens in new window)

Despite a recent GOP resolution declaring its lack of support and recognition for people identifying as transgender, advocates on campus plan to continue their fight. ...

Wed, 10/11/2017

Center for Sexuality and Gender Diversity tables in support of National Coming Out Day (Opens in new window)

The Center for Sexuality and Gender Diversity set up a table in front of Wescoe Hall today to raise awareness for National Coming Out Day. ...

Fri, 10/06/2017

Committee calls for increased health care options for transgender community (Opens in new window)

KU's campus health care providers disagree with the claim that they're not providing for all needs of the LGBTQ community, but advocates maintain that Watkins and KU in general are not inclusive enough for transgender-identifying individuals. ...

Tue, 09/12/2017

Office of Diversity and Equity revamping, reorganizing to enhance inclusivity

The Office of Diversity and Equity has been undergoing a reorganization and restructuring in its continued work to be more inclusive and equitable. ...

Mon, 01/23/2017

How Lewis Hall's Gender Inclusive wing will expand safe community for non-binary students (Opens in new window)

The Gender Inclusive Housing wing, which will house an estimated 20 individuals and is made up of suite-style four person rooms, is full for the upcoming academic school year with a waiting list to boot. ...

Fri, 08/12/2016

Student Services at the University (Opens in new window)

The University offers a variety of resources to help students. ...

Tue, 08/09/2016

Gender-inclusive housing now available at Lewis (Opens in new window)

University Housing is working with the Center for Sexuality and Gender to provide gender-inclusive rooms for students who wish to opt out of gender-binary housing. ...

Thu, 04/14/2016

Lecture on asexual and aromantic individuals kicks off month of 'Gaypril' events (Opens in new window)

The month long "Gaypril" series celebrates and educates the public on the LGBTQ+ community. A talk given on Tuesday by freshman Cienna Cashman focused more specifically on asexual and aromantic identities. ...