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Program Requests

Program Requests

SGD has a variety of "canned program" options that have been developed in consultation with campus partners. If you need an event focused on QT topics, we have you covered. See our menu of options on the sidebar!

Once you know what program you'd like to request, complete the Qualtrics form below. Completing the form is not a guarantee that SGD will be available. Please complete the form at least 2 weeks in advance whenever possible. 

After you complete the form, and email will be send to the SGD email account ( A member of the SGD team will be in contact with you to discuss SGD's availability. 

Program Options

  • Queer and Trans terminology & definitions

  • Pronoun usage

  • QT History

  • Sexuality & Gender Identity: an introduction

  • About the Center

  • QT resources on campus