These webpages are outdated and relevant content will be migrated to

A picture of The Center showing the seating, resources, and décor.

Recurring Events

Recurring events take place weekly throughout the academic year. These events are a great way to meet other QT and allied Jayhawks.

Upcoming Events

Recurring Events

Queer Coffee Hour Advertisement: Rainbow colored coffee beans border this advertisement which reads that queer coffee hour takes place every Monday from 11am - 1pm in Kansas Union Room 435.

Queer & Trans Coffee Hour

Come to The Center to join in on community over some hot coffee at our Queer & Trans Coffee Hour. Queer & Trans Coffee Hour takes place in The Center for Sexuality & Gender Diversity (Kansas Union 435) from 11-1 every Tuesday. This event is co-sponsored by DEIB.
Wellness Webinar Wednesdays Advertisement: Computer screen with zoom-type grid of people. This advertisement reads to tune in over lunch to learn about wellness resources for QT people on campus. Webinars happen every Wednesday from 12-1pm and can be viewed in The Center or on zoom. m in Kansas Union Room 435.

Wellness Webinar Wednesday

It's important for everyone to focus on wellness, and especially for queer and trans folks given the high rates of wellness related concerns. Join us in The Center or on Zoom each Wednesday for a series of guests across campus focusing on health related topics.
Rainbow bordered advertisement stating: "Bring your lunch to The Center on Thursdays and discuss articles, books, current events, and more related to queer and trans liberation"

Liberation Lunch

Bring your lunch and join SGD staff for community and conversations surrounding liberation for QT people. Swing by The Center Thursdays from 12-1pm.
Advertisement for QT TV - Fridays 12-1pm The Center


Join us in The Center for QT TV. Every Friday from 12-1pm, we'll hang out and watch some TV that centers QT characters.

Recurring Affinity Groups

Queer Trans Students of Color advertisement that states that the group will be meeting on the first Tuesday of each month from 5-7pm in the OMA library

Queer & Trans Student of Color

QTSOC is a monthly gathering for queer & trans students of color. We hope to build community and connections with supports that center QT students of color. This group meets the first Tuesday of each month from 5-7pm in the OMA.
Translations Social group advertisement that states that the group will be meeting on the third Tuesday of each month from 5-7pm in Kansas Union #435


TRANSlations is a monthly gathering space for all trans/non-binary students to meet, build community across campus, and generally enjoy each other’s company. This group meets the third Tuesday of each month in The Center for Sexuality & Gender Diversity (Kansas Union 435).
JAYSPEC graphic which states that JAYSPEC will be meeting on the fourth Mondays of each month from 5-7pm in Kansas Union #435.


JAYSPEC is a monthly gathering space for all students within the ASPEC community. The group allows students to gather, have time together, and build a stronger community. This group meets the fourth Monday of each month in The Center for Sexuality & Gender Diversity (Kansas Union 435)
QT Grad Coalition advertisement that states that the group will be meeting on the second Mondays of each month from 5-7pm in Kansas Union #435

Neurodivergent & QTs with Dis/abilities

Neurodivergent & QTs with Dis/Abilities is a monthly gathering space for students within this community. The group creates a space for students to gather, have time together, and build a stronger community. This group meets the second Monday of each month in The Center for Sexuality & Gender Diversity (Kansas Union 435)

Recurring Affinity Groups

Advertisement for QT Grad Coalition

QT Grad Coalition

The QT Grad Coalition is a monthly social and discussion space for queer and trans graduate students in all tracks to meet, build community across campus, and generally enjoy each other’s company. This group meets a handful times across the semester. Be sure to look for dates in the link below.