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The Trans Closet

Clothing rack in trans closet
Make up in the trans closet

New makeup, courtesy of DEIB

Pants and accessories in the Trans closet

pants, makeup, and accessories

The Trans Closet

The trans closet is a service that centers QT students. Visit us in OMA 102 and take what you need.

The Trans Closet is a collaborative service provided by The Center for Sexuality and Gender Diversity and The Office of Multicultural Affairs. It is a community resource which provides clothes, shoes, makeup, binders, and a variety of other gender-affirming materials for the trans community, at no cost, any time The Office of Multicultural Affairs is open. The closet provides a chance for people to find gender-affirming clothes and resources with privacy and in a space meant for QT people. While this resource centers trans folks, it can be used by anyone in our community who needs any of these supplies.

Most of these materials are donated, cleaned, and put into the closet for pickup at any time.

Donations are always accepted at The Center. Items students are most excited for are make-up, jewelry, and business casual clothing. When donating, make sure items are clean and freshly laundered, there are no stains or holes, and you believe college students will enjoy them. To donate, drop items off at The Center during our standard business hours.

The Trans Clothing Closet is located in OMA room 102 (which is just around the corner from The Center). The Trans Clothing Closet is located here to better serve the BIPCO QT community. 

Want to give back?

SGD welcome donations of accessories, new make-up in all skin tones, shoes, and business casual stain/hole free clothes. Donate at SGD!

The trans closet is run primarily on donations. Here are just some ways you can support us!

  • If interested in donating money, please click here to use SGD's Endowment link.
  • If interested in donating new makeup/accessories, please click here to shop our wish-list.
  • If you subscribe to a monthly delivery of makeup (i.e., IPSY), you are welcome to donate any unwanted product.
  • Host a trans-closet drive. Focus on make-up, accessories, and business casual clothes
  • Help us stay organized by volunteering with us. Click here to sign up for a Friday time. 

Closet layout
This photo deatures three small storage boxes filled with an assortment of makeup and makeup bags. These items are available for Ku stakeholders and community members to take, free of charge.
This picture features an outfit made up of clothing from the trans clothing closet. Features are blue shorts, two pairs up brief underwear, beige flip-flops, and a blue and white shirts decorated with palm leaves.
Bookshelf with binders and period products
Binders and resources
Period products


Binders are a form of gender affirming care. The Trans Closet has two sustainable partners who provide binders. If you're wanting a binder, fill out the form and a staff member will let you know if we have one in stock.

Contributors of the Trans Closet

Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA)

The Trans closet is a collaborative service provided by SGD and OMA. OMA provides the dedicated space (OMA 102) for the Trans Closet, as well as a space that centers BIPOC students.

University of Kansas Health System - Gender Diversity Clinic

The University of Kansas Health System - Gender Diversity Clinic provides the Trans Closet with binders from their post-op patients. They are a great community partner and have tabled at resource fairs with SGD and participated in a variety of our programming.

Health Education Resource Office (HERO)

HERO provides various sexual health and period products to the Trans closet.

Recreation Services

Rec Services provides the Trans Closet with donations from their lost and found each semester.